CRCA: Safe Church Unit

We help churches to understand and prevent abuse, and where abuse has occurred, to respond with compassion and justice that promotes healing.

Who we are

In the life of the Christian Reformed Churches Australia, the Church is committed to ensuring that all of our congregations and organisations are safe in every respect for everyone within them. The Safe Church Unit is the CRCA’s expression of this commitment. Further, the Safe Church Policy and Code of Conduct form the foundation of this commitment. Finally, Safe Church procedure and practice are our practical outworking of this commitment. Safe Church applies to every individual, congregation and organisation within the CRCA.

Adult Conduct

Safe Church aims to ensure that CRCA congregations and organisations are places of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical safety for everyone. In all states there are Mandatory Reporting Requirements. Reportable Conduct Schemes currently exist in Victoria, New South Wales and the ACT, these Reportable Conduct Schemes require additional reporting.

Child Related Safe Church Matters

There are a number of Child Protection Obligations placed upon the Church. This site provides information about child-related Safe Church CRCA matters and helps people in the Church understand the various issues and requirements. Following the teaching of Jesus, listening to our children (regardless of their age, background or abilities) and helping them participate in our Church is something we actively value and live out.


Volunteers are very important in sustaining the life and ministry of the church. It is critical, however, that volunteers abide by Safe Church practice to ensure a safe ministry environment, especially for children. This site provides important information relating to appointing volunteers in the CRCA.


These resources relate to Safe Church policy, procedure and practice and include downloadable documents for use within congregations and organisations. Additional contacts and services for those seeking help with Safe Church related issues are also linked from this page.


We can help you with all levels of safe church training.

  • Safe Church Training for the CRCA
  • Basic Training
  • Basic Training Calendar
  • Congregational In-House Basic Training
  • Online Refresher Course
  • Advanced Training
  • Advanced Training Calendar