Who We Are

In 2018 the Synod agreed to establish the Safe Church Unit (SCU). The SCU has commenced following the decision at Synod 2022. The SCU is committed to providing all CRCA congregations, classes, organisations, and committees with the best possible support, advice and resources in relation to Safe Church matters, including prevention and response to child abuse and adult abuse-related issues.

The Safe Church Unit is supervised by the Safe Church Advisory Committee (formerly known as NSACC).

The Safe Church Facilitator, is responsible for

  • Training and training support
  • Safe Church best practice support and advice
  • Receiving Safe Church reports and concerns
  • Serving the Church by facilitation of response to Safe Church reports and concerns, including external referrals and reporting
  • Record keeping
  • Safe Church support and advice for CRCA ministers, elders and other leaders
  • Liaison with relevant government departments and authorities in regards to Safe Church matters
  • Compliance Audit Schedule enquiries and compliance (Safe Church Health Check)
  • Compliance accreditation for CRCA churches, organisations and individuals, including issuing of certificates
  • Training compliance enquiries and support
  • Handling Safe Church material requests, including requests for manuals and brochures

The Safe Church Panel of Reference, a sub-committee of the SC Advisory Committee, consults in reference to particular complaints and related procedure whenever required.