How to Report

The Safe Church Unit is available as a first point of contact for reports concerning child abuse when you are not sure how to follow the process.

The Safe Church Unit commits to treating all reports with the utmost discretion and seriousness. All allegations of child abuse will be reported to the relevant external authorities (Child Protection or State Police).

Contact Details for Reporting

If a child is in immediate danger call Police 000

Then call the SCU on 0419 330 003

In the case of allegations or suspected abuse there are two options:

  • Call the State Police.


  • Call the Department as listed below. Local Child Protection numbers are listed below if calling within business hours OR if after hours call Child Protection Emergency ServicesReports of child abuse can also be made to State Police. Then call the SCU on 0419 330 003 to notify that Child Protection have been contacted.
Australian Capital Territory
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Child and Youth Protection Services Child and Youth Protection Services is responsible for facilitating coordination across government for the care and protection of children and young people in the Australian Capital Territory.

If you are concerned about a child and want further information on mandatory reporting, refer to Keeping Children and Young People Safe.

General public
Ph: 1300 556 729 (24 hours)

Mandated reporters
Ph: 1300 556 728 (24 hours)

For less serious concerns, complete an online child concern report.

For less serious concerns, contact Child Protection Reports(link sends e-mail).

New South Wales
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department of Communities and Justice The Department of Family and Community Services is responsible for handling reports of child abuse and neglect in New South Wales. Information about the process of reporting child welfare concerns can be found on the department’s Reporting a Child at Risk webpage.

For information about mandatory reporting, refer to the Mandatory reporters webpage.

Child Protection Helpline
Ph: 13 21 11 (24 hours) (TTY/voice calls: 133 677; Speak & Listen: 1300 555 727; SMS: 0423 677 767)

Mandatory reporters with less serious concerns can use eReporting.

Northern Territory
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Territory Families, Housing and Communities In the Northern Territory, every person is required to report suspected child abuse and neglect.

For further information about the process of reporting concerns about a child’s welfare in the Northern Territory, refer to the Report Child Abuse page of the department’s website.

Child Abuse Hotline
Ph: 1800 700 250 (24 hours)
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs Child Safety is the lead child protection agency in Queensland. For information about the process of reporting concerns about a child’s welfare in Queensland, refer to the Protecting Children webpage of the department’s website.

For more information about mandatory reporting, refer to the Mandatory Reporting in Queensland webpage.

For a list of contact numbers during business hours, go to: Regional Intake Services.

Child Safety After Hours Service Centre
Ph: 1800 177 135 or (07) 3235 9999.

South Australia
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department for Child Protection The Department for Child Protection works to keep South Australia’s children safe by protecting them from abuse and neglect.

For information about the process of reporting concerns about a child’s welfare in South Australia, refer to the department’s Report Child Abuse webpage.

The Department for Child Protection provides additional information for mandatory reporting, including Mandated Notifiers and Their Role and Preparing to Report Child Abuse.

Child Abuse Report Line
Ph: 13 14 78 (24 hours)

Less serious concerns can also be reported online.

Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department of Communities Tasmania The role of the Child Safety Service is to protect children and young people who are at risk of abuse and neglect in Tasmania.

For information about the process of reporting concerns about a child’s welfare in Tasmania, refer to the department’s Child Safety Service webpage.

Information about mandatory reporting and making a notification can be found on the department’s Child safety notifications webpage.

Child Safety Service
1800 000 123 (24 hours)

Mandatory reporters with less serious concerns can report online.

Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing The Child Protection Service is specifically targeted to those children and young people at risk of significant harm in Victoria.

For information about child protection and mandatory reporting requirements in Victoria, refer to the department’s Child Protection webpage.

For a list of regional and metropolitan phone numbers: Child Protection Contacts

After hours child protection emergency service
Ph: 13 12 78

Western Australia
Reporting authority Further services/information Contact details
Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support The Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support offers a range of services to support children and families in Western Australia.

For further information about the process of reporting concerns about a child’s welfare, refer to the department’s If You are Concerned About a Child webpage.

Information about mandatory reporting in Western Australia can be found on the department’s mandatory reporting information webpage.

Central Intake Team
Ph: 1800 273 889

After hours
Ph: (08) 9223 1111 or Country Freecall: 1800 199 008

Mandatory reporters with less serious concerns can use the department’s secure Mandatory Reporting Web System

While these details do not change very often – to make sure you have the latest information – please click here.